Interested in taking out a loan to pay off your others?
We guide and assist you through the complex process of debt consolidation.

Paying off more than one debt at once can be complicated for anyone. Debt consolidation helps bring all of your existing debts together into one loan, providing you with greater control over your financial situation.

Our specialised team can also help you with your ATO debt.

Why consolidate your debts?

  • One set of recurring repayments

  • More power over your finances

  • A clear outline of when you’ll be debt-free

Debt Consolidation FAQs

  • With debt consolidation, you can consolidate a range of debt from credit cards, personal loans, smaller debts etc.If you are unsure about whether or not your debts can be consolidated, book a free 15 minute call.

  • Your credit score is influenced by a variety of factors.

    If you take out a consolidation loan to pay off existing debt, you may potentially reduce your credit utilization rate which could improve your credit score.

    This is a great question to ask your broker when they are assessing your personal situation.